Benefits of Filing a Lead Poisoning Lawsuit Against Your Landlord

There are many benefits of filing a lead poisoning lawsuit against your landlord. In addition to recovering your medical expenses, a lead poisoning lawsuit can also help you obtain compensation for pain and suffering, loss of earnings, loss of consortium, and other damages. Damages awarded in a lead poisoning lawsuit can range from hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars. […]

Lead-Tainted Turmeric Lawsuits

The FDA is not creating limits for the amount of lead that can be found in spices or other foods, but it has banned some companies from importing turmeric and other spices. Tests conducted at a pediatrician’s office found high levels of lead in the blood of Alekhya Gali’s son. Food samples were zapped by a special X-ray gun. Public […]

Lenovo Yoga Laptop Lawsuit

A Lenovo Yoga laptop lawsuit is being filed in the U.S. because the laptop’s hinges broke before the manufacturer’s advertised lifespan. Lenovo is a manufacturer of two-in-one computers, which are marketed as “Yoga” laptops. However, the company was recently denied a request to dismiss the lawsuit as a class action because the lawsuit only alleges that the computers broke before […]

Levaquin and Cipro Lawsuit

A Levaquin and Cipro lawsuit can claim that a particular drug caused serious health problems in its patients. Cipro and Levaquin were prescribed without warning. In addition, the lawsuit alleges that the manufacturers ignored MedWatch reports, pharmacovigilance reviews, hundreds of reports from patients and other sources, and the Cipro and Levaquin labels. This negligence led to prescriptions without warning. Stevens-Johnson […]

A Lexapro Lawsuit Could Lead to Compensation For Your Suffering

Side effects of Lexapro can be life-changing for an individual or their family. If you or a loved one has suffered from these side effects, you may be entitled to compensation. Some attorneys specialize in Lexapro lawsuits and have been holding corporations accountable for decades. Read on for more information. A Lexapro lawsuit could lead to compensation for your suffering. […]

Class Action Settlements For LG Refrigerator Compressor Lawsuits

Are you one of the many consumers who have suffered from a defective LG Refrigerator compressor? You may be entitled to a settlement if your fridge’s compressor stopped working properly. You can file a claim for compensation by filling out a settlement claim form, which you can find online and e-mail to the company. However, before filing a claim, you […]

The Latest News in the LG Television Lawsuit

The latest news in the LG Television Lawsuit involves a patent infringement suit filed by the Korean electronics giant against TCL and Hisense. The two companies are accused of ripping off consumers with false advertising. In a recent court hearing, LG Electronics sought a ruling to stop the infringement suits. In their filings, the companies claimed that the plaintiffs had […]

Libor Rates in Canada Lawsuit Revealed

The previous judge dismissed the Libor Rates in Canada lawsuit, stating that the process of setting the rate is collaborative and competitive and that manipulation of the rate did not cause an anti-competitive injury. However, a new judge has reinstated the lawsuits, and now the question is whether appellants suffered injury from paying artificially higher prices. Here’s what you need […]

Life Insurance Fraud Lawsuits

In this Life Insurance Fraud lawsuit, the plaintiff alleges that a MetLife sales agent falsely checked a box on his or her application to deny the insured’s existing policy was used to fund the new policy. He also claims that the salesman promised a higher interest rate than what he had received. This case was settled before trial before MetLife […]

Lights of America LED Lamps Lawsuit

A lawsuit filed against the manufacturer of Lights of America LED lamps claims that the company misrepresented the nature of their products. These LED lamps are marketed as being able to produce light output equivalent to that of a 100-watt incandescent light bulb, and they are also supposed to last a certain number of hours. In light of these accusations, […]