Life Insurance Fraud Lawsuits

In this Life Insurance Fraud lawsuit, the plaintiff alleges that a MetLife sales agent falsely checked a box on his or her application to deny the insured’s existing policy was used to fund the new policy. He also claims that the salesman promised a higher interest rate than what he had received. This case was settled before trial before MetLife […]

Lights of America LED Lamps Lawsuit

A lawsuit filed against the manufacturer of Lights of America LED lamps claims that the company misrepresented the nature of their products. These LED lamps are marketed as being able to produce light output equivalent to that of a 100-watt incandescent light bulb, and they are also supposed to last a certain number of hours. In light of these accusations, […]

MSFT Online Charge Class-Action Lawsuit

The class-action lawsuit in the MSFT Online Charge case asserts that Microsoft has engaged in anti-competitive practices by enforcing exclusionary and price-fixing agreements with ISPs. Microsoft also has monopoly power in the market for PC operating systems and has been acting in an anticompetitive manner to maintain that monopoly. This illegal conduct violates Section 2 of the Sherman Act. It […]

Muscle Milk Class Action Lawsuit

The Cytosport company, which now owns Muscle Milk, is under fire for violating federal and state laws. The Cytosport product line targets weight-conscious individuals and athletes and offers a misleading nutritional label. The products do not contain the protein amounts advertised on the packaging, and those claims have not been independently tested. That’s why the lawsuit aims to make Cytosport […]

MW Windows Class Action Lawsuit Settles Out of Court

A class action lawsuit filed against MW Windows is settling over allegations that its Vinyl-Clad windows are defective. MW denies any design or manufacturing defects and has settled the case out of court. While it is difficult to determine the validity of a lawsuit, this is a common strategy of manufacturers. They often make a lot of money advertising their […]

Nap Nanny Recliners Lawsuit

If you or a loved one has been injured by a Nap Nanny recliner, you may be entitled to compensation. To start your case, contact a Nap Nanny recliner lawsuit attorney today. If you or a loved one has been injured by a Nap Nanny recliner, contact a legal attorney for a free case review and legal consultation. The sooner […]

How Much Does a Divorce Cost? 

If you’re pursuing a divorce, no matter the type, having an experienced and compassionate divorce mediation attorney is absolutely essential. Working with a divorce lawyer who you can trust can help you understand your case, set realistic goals, and improve your odds of ending up with a favorable outcome. But it’s no secret that a divorce can quickly turn into […]

A National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Lawsuit

A National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program lawsuit aims to compensate children for their injuries caused by the vaccines administered to them as a child. A petitioner files the claim with a U.S. Claims Court and a randomly assigned special master reviews it. The special master obtains a recommendation from the NVICP Office and decides whether or not the petitioner qualifies […]

MI Windows and Doors Single Hung Windows Lawsuit Settlement

If you have purchased MI Windows and Doors windows and are having issues with them, you may qualify to receive a settlement in a class action lawsuit. Find out about your rights and what to do if the Settlement Notice comes your way. A lawsuit can help you receive compensation for your losses and get your home back in working […]