NuvaRing Lawsuit 2021

NuvaRing Lawsuit 2021

NuvaRing Lawsuits: A Ringing Controversy Settled (But Not Forgotten)

NuvaRing, the popular vaginal birth control ring, has a history intertwined with lawsuits. Remember those commercials promising freedom and flexibility? Well, for some women, that freedom came at a cost.

The central issue? Blood Clots. NuvaRing, like some birth control pills, contains hormones that can increase the risk of blood clots, potentially leading to serious health problems like stroke, heart attack, and even death.

Here’s the timeline breakdown:

2008: A Multidistrict Litigation (MDL) consolidated thousands of lawsuits against NuvaRing’s manufacturer, Merck, alleging inadequate warnings about blood clot risks [FindLaw: NuvaRing: Lawsuits and Health Risks].
2014: Merck settled a significant portion of the MDL for a reported $100 million [Drugwatch: NuvaRing Lawsuits – Merck Settlements & Litigation History].
2021: The remaining cases were settled or went to trial, officially closing the MDL chapter [Miller & Zois: NuvaRing Birth Control | History of Litigation | 2024 Lookback].

Settled, but Not Forgotten

While the lawsuits are resolved, the conversation about NuvaRing’s risks continues. The case highlights the importance of discussing potential side effects with your doctor before choosing any birth control method.

Empowering Yourself: Your Birth Control Journey

Taking control of your health starts with information. Here are some questions to consider:

Am I at an increased risk for blood clots? Certain medical conditions and lifestyle factors can elevate your risk. Talk to your doctor to understand your individual situation.
Are there alternative birth control options? From pills and patches to IUDs and implants, there’s a range of choices to explore with your doctor to find the best fit for you.
What are the risks and benefits of each option? Every method comes with its own pros and cons. Weigh them carefully with your doctor’s guidance.


The NuvaRing lawsuits serve as a reminder to be an active participant in your healthcare decisions. Birth control is a powerful tool, and understanding the potential risks empowers you to make informed choices for your well-being.


Can I still use NuvaRing?

The decision is ultimately yours. Discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor to determine if NuvaRing is right for you.

What if I used NuvaRing and experienced health problems?

Talk to your doctor and a lawyer specializing in personal injury to understand your options.

Are there other birth control lawsuits?

Yes, lawsuits involving birth control products are not uncommon. Research and discuss any concerns with your doctor.

What are some signs of a blood clot?

Sudden pain, swelling, redness, or tenderness in a leg or arm are potential warning signs. Shortness of breath or chest pain could also indicate a clot. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience any of these symptoms.

How often should I see my doctor for checkups while on birth control?

This depends on the method and your individual health. Follow your doctor’s recommendations for regular checkups.

What if I don’t have health insurance?

There are resources available to help. Planned Parenthood and other organizations offer healthcare services at reduced or no cost, depending on your income.

By prioritizing open communication with your doctor and taking an informed approach, you can navigate your birth control journey with confidence.

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