Bladder Sling Lawsuit Settlements

Bladder Slinging as it is known as, is a common problem that has been affecting people for hundreds of years. This condition can come about because of a lot of different factors that could be physical or psychological in nature. The condition in its most extreme form is known as Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). In many of these cases, patients […]

Essure Birth Control Class Action Lawsuit

If you have an Essure birth control ring, you could be in a spot where you could potentially be in a class action lawsuit. If your Essure coils have either gone into your body or are showing signs of coming out of your body, this is called a “leaking Essure coil” and can cause serious health problems, even if the […]

What Is a Certified Tire Lawsuit?

A Certified Tire lawsuit can be a life saver if you are a victim of a flat tire or blowout. If you have no idea what a Certified Tire lawsuit is all about, here is some information to get you started. When your vehicle went down, the first thing you would do is try to push it to a nearby […]

What You Should Know About Lupron Class Action Lawsuit

Many men have been put off from using the Luperon treatment due to side effects reported by men that have taken the medication. The Food and Drug Administration approved the treatment in 1997 but has placed it on the list of drugs that may cause breast cancer. As a result more men are avoiding lupron treatments and some companies have […]

Class Action Lawsuit Against Netflix

NetFlix Class Action Lawsuit Class Action Lawsuits has been quite popular over the last couple of years because they offer a unique alternative to resolving disputes. When two or more individuals come together in a class action lawsuit, the lawsuits are held in court instead of before a judge and jury. A plaintiff (the person bringing the class action lawsuit) […]